quarta-feira, novembro 16, 2011


As vezes nos perdemos tentando controlar nossa vida se esquecendo de que Deus, o Senhor Soberano sobre todas as coisas, tem todo o controle de tudo. Ele tem prazer em ouvir de um filho Seu, o desejo de seu coração. Isso aconteceu com a gente há alguns anos. Estávamos em uma grande luta e Carla compartilhou com nosso amigo Britt, que orou e fez questão de registrar sua oração conosco, talvez sem a intenção, mas esta oração se tornou um memorial de que o Senhor responde as orações do Seus Filhos.

Em nossa vida o Senhor respondeu e responde muitas outras pedições, tudo a Seu tempo e no Seu querer, Glórias a Ele!!! Mas, essa ainda que a gente queira, nunca mais esqueceremos!

"Então aqueles que temeram ao Senhor falaram freqüentemente um ao outro; e o Senhor atentou e ouviu; e um memorial foi escrito diante dele, para os que temeram o Senhor, e para os que se lembraram do seu nome. E eles serão meus, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos; naquele dia serão para mim jóias; poupá-los-ei, como um homem poupa a seu filho, que o serve. Então voltareis e vereis a diferença entre o justo e o ímpio; entre o que serve a Deus, e o que não o serve". Malaquias 3:16-18


A Resposta

From: wander.carla [mailto:wander.carla@uol.com.br] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:56 AMTo: bcanadaSubject: Re:Prayer

Dear Britt,
We are replying this email to say that God has answered our prayers, Carla is pregnant.
Thanks for your prayers and love and please continue to pray for Carla and our baby.
We are so happy and glad for this bless.

A Oração de súplica por um amigo

Carla, here is my prayer for you..

Heavenly Father,
I bow before you at this time. I ask that you forgive me of my sins and allow me to approach Your throne of grace and mercy. I want to thank You for the influence that Carla, Deise and Wander have had on my life. I praise You for allowing me to participate in the mission trip in 1992 where You revealed to me that You could use me in mighty ways. At that time, You used Carla and Deise to teach many things to me. I thank You for these fine, young ladies and I praise You for the influence that they and Wander have had on others in Brazil and the US. They have been great witnesses and influences for You. I know that their witness continues.
Lord, I thank You for this email message from Carla. As I read her words, I feel the pain in her heart and I grieve with her and Wander. Above all things, I ask that Your will be done. Father, You know what is best for each of us. However, I also read in Your Holy Word of times when You have granted the prayers of believers and great leaders were born. You answered the prayers of Abraham and Sarah with the birth of Isaac. You answered the prayers of Elkanah and Hannah with the birth of Samuel. And there are other times when You answered the prayers of Your followers with the birth of children. With these thoughts, I ask that You bless Carla and Wander with a child. I know that they have been praying for a child and I want to join my heart with theirs in this request.
Precious Father, we know that You have declared a time for everything – a time to plant and a time to sow, a time to laugh and a time to cry. We know that You are in control of all things. I ask that You grant to them the peace that passes all understanding to Carla and Wander during this time as they wait for that perfect time. I ask that You fill their lives with joy and happiness. Send the Holy Spirit to comfort them.
Loving Father, I thank You for sending Your Son as a sacrifice for my sins. It is through Your Son that I come before You and ask that You bless Carla and Wander with a beautiful and healthy child. Grant them peace as they wait for Your perfect timing. I also ask that You help each of us to be better witnesses for You. Amen.

O pedido
From: wander.carla [mailto:wander.carla@uol.com.br] Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 10:48 AMTo: bcanadaSubject: RE: Glenn

Hi, Britt,
Here is Carla. I'm missing you so much and want to see you soon. Thank you for answers our questions. We worry about Glenn, but we know God has the control to all things and we pray.
It´s so good to know you come to Brazil in July. Do you arrive where airport, São Paulo or Rio? Do you have time to stay with us? If is possible, I and Wander want to go there (Campinas or Holambra) to see you. Please, send us all details to trip.
Here in Resende, the things are good. We had some problems on church and with people we love so much, but God have working in this situation too.
I have tried to be pregnant for one year and 4 months, I didn't get. We make some tests and wait. Please pray for us.
I love you so much and I hope see you again.
love in Christ,

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